Global Citizenship

and Sustainability

Citizens of the World

Sustainability is a key theme of Renaissance Foundation's mission in shaping the future of young people. We believe that by fostering these values, we can create global citizens who are conscious of their impact on the world and are equipped to create positive change. By instilling a sense of responsibility and awareness, we aim to cultivate a new generation of leaders who will drive sustainable progress and make a difference in their communities.

Nobel Peace Prize

We are proud to empower young people to be active global citizens through unique experiences like attending the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. At this event, our young people have the opportunity to learn about the importance of peace, human rights, justice, and sustainability. This hands-on approach to education helps instill in them a strong sense of citizenship and the desire to make a positive impact in their communities and the world at large. By fostering a love for sustainability and an understanding of the role each person plays in creating a better world, we aim to inspire a new generation of responsible, engaged, and motivated global citizens.

Youth Voice

We believe in empowering young people to have a voice on the issues that matter to them. During our sessions, we create a safe and inclusive space for them to speak openly and express their thoughts, ideas and concerns. By giving young people a platform to be heard, we are fostering the development of confident and engaged global citizens who are equipped to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.